Main Street Lutherans
Main Street Lutherans, Discussions about the ELCA

S1E31 - The Best Hand of the Lutheran Deck

with Pastor David Daubert

Episode Notes

Pastor Dave Daubert joins the show to talk about the critical parts to understand about Lutheran faith and how theology we use in the ELCA is our best hand for living the Christian Life.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E30 - Lutheran History: The Beginning

with Rev Dr Mark Granquist

Episode Notes

This is the first of three episodes that cover the history leading up to formation of the ELCA by merging three Lutheran Synods together. We start at the Reformation in this episode. The next one will start in America in the 1800s when a lot of Lutheran immigration occurs. The last will cover the last 75 or 100 years.

Rev Dr Mark Granquist is a professor of the History of Christianity at Luther Seminary in St Paul, MN. He was ordained into the ELCA in 1988 and has served congregations and taught in university settings. His book Lutherans in America: A New History is a definitive work, sharing his understanding of how immigration gave direction to how Lutheranism would flourish in the Americas.

Make sure to email or message us the answer to this episode's Catechism Question:

Where did Martin Luther go into hiding during the height of the German Reformation?

  • In the Castle Church in Wittenberg, near the university where he taught
  • As a sideshow in the Barnum & Bailey Circus
  • In the tower of Wartburg Castle
  • In Emperor Charles V’s wine cellar


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E29 - Authenticity

Episode Notes

Ben talks about what it means to be authentic as a Christian, as a Lutheran, and as a person of the 21st century as well as the challenge the ELCA has to be authentic in all three ways.

This episode's Catechism Question:

What is considered by Lutherans to be the primary document of the Book of Concord?

  • The Catechisms
  • The (Unaltered) Augsburg Confession
  • The Creeds
  • The Formula of Concord


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E28 - The Ordination of Women

Episode Notes

Ben and Keith discuss the history and theological issues behind the ordination of women in the American Lutheran Churches in 1970. They also tackle the mail bag.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E27 - The ELCA Youth Gathering

with Justin Wilson, Jessica Liles, & Beth Hartfiel

Episode Notes

Keith and Ben are joined by the ELCA Youth Gathering staff, Justin Wilson, Jessica Liles, & Beth Hartfiel, to talk about one of the ELCA's largest and most important events. This is a long episode at about an hour and sixteen minutes, but it's worth every bit of time you can give it.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E26 - Advent

with Pastor Mark Singh-Heuter

Episode Notes

Pastor Mark Singh-Heuter, pastor of Advent Lutheran Church in Harleysville, PA, reunites with Keith and Ben to talk about the season of Advent.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E25 - Mainline Protestant Denominations

Episode Notes

Notes go here

Keith and Ben talk about the Mainline Protestant Denominations and we have a winner for the Episode 24 Catechism Question!


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E24 - Evangelical Lutheran Worship (The ELW)

with Deacon Margret Folkemer-Leonard

Episode Notes

Deacon Margret Folkemer-Leonard joins the team to talk about everyone's favorite cranberry colored Evangelical Luther Worship and Song book, the ELW.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E23 - The 95 Theses

Episode Notes

Ben and Keith review the 95 Theses, the starting point for Martin Luther's Reformation.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E22 - ELCA Churchwide Part 2

with ELCA VP Imran Siddiqui

Episode Notes

ELCA Vice President Imran Siddiqui joins us for a second conversation about the Churchwide organization. We get into some details about the different home areas of the national church body and how the employees help our synods and congregations do God's ministry.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E21 - ELCA Churchwide Part 1

with VP Imran Siddiqui

Episode Notes

This is a long one. Ben and Keith ask the VP what his job in the church is and how the ELCA is governed. In the next episode, we'll get into more details.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E20 - Online Church

with Rev Keats Miles-Wallace, Technicolor Ministries

Episode Notes

Ben talks with Rev Keats Miles-Wallace about Technicolor Ministries, and online expression of Lutheran community based in the SW Texas Synod. We discuss how it works, how that model might work for other groups, and how this ministry is expanding.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E19 - Deacons and Deaconesses

with Deacon Chelle Huth and Sister Marianne Brock

Episode Notes

Keith talks with Deacon Chelle Huth and Sister Marianne Brock about all thing Deacon in the ELCA.

Episode 18's Catechism Question: What technology made Martin Luther's writings spread farther and faster than prior critics of the Roman Catholic Church? a The Gutenberg Press b The Washington Post c The Xavier Onassis Quantum Chair D Wikipedia

Episode 19's Catechism Question: What is the origin of the word “deacon”? a Taken from the name David D. “Deacon” Jones, an NFL defensive lineman and Hall of Famer known for coining the phrase “quarterback sack” b A reference to the rodent poison known as d-CON, which church sacristans and sextons use to keep mice away from the communion bread. c Derived from the Greek word diakónos which means “servant,” “waiter,” or “administrator” d A much appreciated abbreviation of the academic pursuit known fully as Deconstructionist Eschatology And Christological Ontology Nomenclature


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E18 - "Lutheran" Podcasts

Episode Notes

Ben and Keith talk about what might make a podcast "ELCA Lutheran", why there aren't a whole lot of them, and why they're hard to find. They also do some self-reflection about this podcast and give some advice to anyone who is considering starting their own.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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S1E17 - Civic Engagement Social Message

Episode Notes

Ben and Keith dig into a Social Message that was adopted by the ELCA Church Council in 2020. It has some parts that are useful in helping us look at our human-built structures (government, economy, and social systems) in a way that sees God at work in the world.


Music by Viktor Hallman Find it at Through Epidemic Sound

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Pastor Keith Fair and Licensed Lay Minister Intern Ben Fogt invite discussion about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), its history, structures, traditions, and beliefs in a light and fun way.